JINR-Rosatom: development and cooperation prospects

News, 01 May 2024

On 27 April, a working meeting on cooperation between the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and JINR was held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The meeting was chaired by General Director of the State Corporation Alexey Likhachev and Director of JINR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov.

At the opening of the meeting, JINR Director, RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov thanked his colleagues from Rosatom for their many years of support and assistance in implementing the Institute’s projects and initiatives.

Alexey Likhachev addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech. “Working with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is both a pleasure and an honor. It is really very important for me to be present within the walls of an organization where world-class scientific discoveries are carried out. Together with Rosatom, the Joint Institute takes part in the implementation of the national project “Atom and New Energy Technologies”. I express my deep gratitude to JINR for its wide participation in Rosatom events and projects. In turn, it is a great honor for our company to be part of the big inspiring scientific projects of the science city,” Head of Rosatom said.

Within the framework of the meeting programme, a ceremony was held to present insignia of the State Corporation Rosatom to employees of the Joint Institute. By order of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the following employees of the Institute were awarded for many years of conscientious work, as well as for significant success in research activities and great personal contribution to the development of the nuclear industry:

  • Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR Yuri Oganessian – insignia “E.P.Slavsky”;
  • JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov – insignia “Academician A.P.Aleksandrov”;
  • Acting Director of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR Andrey Butenko – insignia “Academician I.V.Kurchatov”, 4th degree;
  • Chief Engineer of JINR Boris Gikal – insignia “Academician I.V.Kurchatov”, 4th degree;
  • JINR Vice-Director Sergey Dmitriev – insignia “For contribution to the development of the nuclear industry”, 1st degree;
  • Vice-Director of JINR Lachesar Kostov – insignia “For contribution to the development of the nuclear industry”, 2nd degree;
  • Head of the JINR Capital Construction Department Leonid Tikhomirov – insignia “Honorary Builder of the Nuclear Industry”.

In the main programme of the meeting, JINR employees and Rosatom representatives made reports on the development of joint projects and research.

JINR Vice-Director Sergey Dmitriev made a report on the work at the JINR Superheavy Element Factory. Having analyzed the results of the world’s leading scientific centres in the field of synthesis of new elements and presenting the results of the latest experiments carried out at JINR, Sergey Dmitriev formulated plans for the further development of work, including the synthesis of elements 119 and 120.

The status, basic results and prospects for the implementation of the project were discussed by General Director of the RFNC of the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov) Valentin Kostyukov and Head of the RFNC-VNIIEF department Kira Zhogova. In order to efficiently implement the programme of experiments based on the complex for the synthesis of superheavy elements, a road map until 2030 was presented.

Deputy Director for Capital Construction of RFNC-VNIIEF Andrey Shmakov made a report on the state of affairs in the construction of the Isotope Separation Complex (ISC). They were presented with a plan for the implementation of the project until 2027.

General Director of Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (NIIEFA JSC) Sergey Hertsog reported on the status of a joint project to develop and manufacture a cyclotron complex based on the MSC-230 superconducting cyclotron for proton radiation therapy. He described the basic parameters of the cyclotron and also presented the stages of scheduled work on the project that will be carried out by JINR and NIIEFA.

Grigory Trubnikov spoke about plans for the development of the JINR scientific infrastructure for 2024-2030 and the prospects for cooperation between JINR and Rosatom. During the report, the main scientific research areas of the Institute, set out in the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR in 2024-2030 were presented and new projects were proposed, in which the State Atomic Energy Corporation of Russia could take part.

Grigory Trubnikov formulated the basic tasks in the cooperation between JINR and Rosatom State Corporation under the project of the IBR-2 research nuclear facility:

  • production of an extra batch of fresh fuel for the reactor in order to extend its efficient operation until the early 2040s;
  • removal of spent fuel assembly (spent fuel assembly) of IBR 2 and unused nuclear materials from the JINR site;
  • development of a new pulsed neutron source.

The results of the meeting were summed up by General Director of the State Corporation Alexey Likhachev, JINR Director Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov and Scientific Leader of FLNR Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Oganessian. It was decided to jointly develop a new cooperation agreement in the near future that will take the working relations between Rosatom and JINR to a new level.