JINR Prizes for 2022
News, 20 February 2023
The following JINR annual prizes for the best papers in the fields of scientific research, methodology, research and technology, and applied research were awarded by the decision of the 133rd session of the JINR Scientific Council that was held in the mixed format on 16 – 17 February 2023:
I. Theoretical Physics Research
First Prizes
- “The anomalous Josephson effect”
Authors: Yu. Shukrinov, I. Rahmonov, K. Kulikov, M. Nashaat, A. Mazanik - “New methods in classical and quantum field theory with extended supersymmetry”
Authors: E. Ivanov, I. Buchbinder, B. Merzlikin, K. Stepanyantz
Second Prize
“Superоperator approach to the theory of hot nuclei and astrophysical applications”
Authors: A. Vdovin, J. Wambach, A. Dzhioev, D. Kosov, K. Langanke, G. Martίnez-Pίnedo, V. Ponomarev, Ch. Penev Stoyanov
II. Experimental Physics Research
First Prize
“SHE factory: first results” (Rus)
Authors: Yu. Oganessian, S. Dmitriev, F. Abdullin, D. Ibadullayev, A. Polyakov, R. Sagaidak, V. Utyonkov, Yu. Tsyganov, M. Shumeiko, N. Kovrizhnykh
Second Prizes
- “Magnetism of ferromagnet – superconducting heterogeneous layered structures”
Authors: V. Aksenov, V. Zhaketov, Yu. Nikitenko, A. Petrenko, Yu. Khaidukov
- “New data on the spectra of superheavy isotopes of hydrogen 7H, 6H and the detection of spontaneous decay mode with the emission of 4 neutrons”
Authors: A. Bezbakh, L. Grigorenko, A. Gorshkov, S. Krupko, I. Muzalevskii, E. Nikolskii, G. Ter-Akopian, A. Fomichev, V. Chudoba, P. Sharov
III. Physics Instruments and Methods
First Prizes
- “The νGeN experimental setup for the investigation of reactor’s antineutrino properties”
Authors: V. Belov, I. Zhitnikov, S. Kazartsev, A. Lubashevskiy, D. Medvedev, D. Ponomarev, S. Rozov, K. Shakhov, E. Shevchik, E. Yakushev
- “Creation of systems of ion beam transfer to the Booster and Nuclotron synchrotrons of the NICA accelerator facility”
Authors: A. Butenko, A. Galimov, S. Kolesnikov, O. Kunchenko, K. Levterov, V. Seleznev, A. Sidorov, A. Tuzikov, A. Fateev, V. Shvetsov
Second Prize
“The new gas-filled separator DGFRS-2”
Authors: V. Bekhterev, G. Ivanov, A. Voinov, V. Konstantinov, D. Kuznetsov, O. Petrushkin, A. Podshibiakin, A. Popeko, D. Solovyev, V. Shubin
IV. Applied Physics Research
First Prize
“Hyperconverged “Govorun” supercomputer for the implementation of the JINR scientific programme”
Authors: D. Belyakov, A. Vorontsov, E. Druzhinin, M. Zuev, V. Korenkov, Yu. Migal, A. Moshkin, D. Podgainy, T. Strizh, O. Streltsova
Second Prizes
- “Structural reorganization in a lipid membrane triggered by amyloid-beta peptide and temperature”
Authors: O. Ivankov, N. Kučerka, T. Murugova, E. Ermakova, A. Rogachev, A. Kuklin, V. Skoi, Kh. Kholmurodov, D. Badreeva, E. Dushanov - “Non-destructive microstructural analysis of promising cement materials for the construction of radioactive waste storage facilities and civil facilities: results of neutron radiography and tomography”
Authors: S. Kichanov, K. Nazarov, D. Kozlenko, M. Balasoiu, A. Bekhzodjon, B. Savenko, I. Zel, M. Kenessarin
V. Encouraging Prizes
- “Study of vector meson photoproduction processes in the ALICE (CERN) experiment”
Authors: V. Pozdnyakov, Yu. Vertogradova, B. Rumyantsev, E. Kryshen, J. Contreras Nuno, D. Horak - “Applying the neutron activation analysis for the assessment of the levels of elements in mussels from different regions of the World Ocean for the characterization of connection with their environment”
Authors: P. Nekhoroshkov, M. Frontasyeva, I. Zinicovscaia, D. Nikolayev, T. Lychagina, A. Pakhnevich, K. Vergel, O. Chaligava, D. Grozdov, J. Bezuidenhout
JINR prizes are awarded for outstanding experimental, methodological and applied research on JINR scientific themes. Research papers should correspond to the world science level and should be completed in the current year. Annually 11 people including a secretary are appointed as a jury by the JINR Directorate to consider presented research papers. The jury consists of representatives of the JINR Directorate and leading scientists. The decision on the award of JINR prizes becomes operative after confirmation given by the JINR Scientific Council during its winter session.

Get acquianted with the list of prizes awarded for 2011 – 2022