JINR Prizes for 2017
News, 15 March 2018
I. Theoretical Physics Research
First Prizes
- «Pseudotoric structures: Lagrangian tori and Lagrangian fibrations».
Author: N. Tyurin. - “Spin dynamics in arbitrarty gravitational and electromagnetic fields”.
Authors: Yu. Obukhov, A. Silenko, O. Teryaev. - “Strong electron correlations in underdoped high-temperature superconductors”.
Authors: A. Ferraz, I. Ivantsov, E. Kochetov, M. Maśka, M. Mierzejewski.
II. Experimental Physics Research
First Prize
«Delayed neutron emission of exotic nuclei».
Authors: D. Testov, Yu. Penionzhkevich, E. Sokol, E. Kuznetsova, V. Smirnov, M. Ivanov, A. Severyukhin, D. Verney, F. Ibrahim.
Second Prize
«Search for 2p decay of the first excited state of 17Ne(3/2−)”.».
Authors: A. Bezbakh, R. Wolski, M. Golovkov, S. Krupko, Yu. Parfenova, S. Sidorchuk, R. Slepnev, G. Ter-Akopian, A. Fomichev, P. Sharov.
III. Physics Instruments and Methods
First Prize
«Development and construction of gas-filled detectors based on a new type of straw tubes for operation in vacuum into a track spectrometer of the NA62 experimental set-up».
Authors: L. Glonti, H. Danielsson, T. Enik, V. Kekelidze, A. Kolesnikov, D. Madigozhin, S. Movchan, Yu. Potrebenikov, V. Samsonov, S. Shkarovskiy.
Second Prize
«Structure of deterministic mass, surface and multiphase fractals: theory and methods of analysing the intensity of small-angle scattering».
Authors: A. Cherny, E. Anitas, V. Osipov, A. Kuklin, M. Balasoiu.
IV. Applied Physics Research
First Prizes
- «Development and construction of the permanent magnet ECR ion source, DECRIS-PM, for the DC-280 cyclotron».
Authors: V. Bekhterev, S. Bogomolov, A. Bondarchenko, A. Efremov, K. Kuzmenkov, A. Lebedev, V. Loginov, V. Mironov, N. Yazvitsky, N. Konev. - «Construction of a facility for assembling and testing superconducting magnets, investigation of the characteristics of magnets».
Authors: N. Agapov, V. Borisov, A. Galimov, A. Donyagin, V. Karpinskiy, V. Kekelidze, S. Kostromin, D. Nikiforov, G. Trubnikov, H. Khodzhibagiyan.
V. Encouraging prizes
- «Study of ultracold neutron diffraction by a moving grating».
Authors: G. Kulin, A. Frank, S. Goryunov, D. Kustov, A. Bushuyev, P. Geltenbort, M. Jentschel, A. Panzarella. - «Determination of the decay time of scintillators and investigation of space correlation of nuclear radiation by the autocorrelation method».
Authors: V. Morozov, N. Morozova, V. Zlokazov - «Investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of waves in the terahertz frequency range in condensed media and living systems».
Author: A. Bugay. - «Monte-Carlo simulation of neutron spectrometers and neutron scattering experiments».
Authors: A. Belushkin, S. Manoshin, V. Bodnarchuk, A. Joffe.
JINR prizes are awarded for outstanding experimental, methodological and applied research on JINR scientific themes. Research papers should correspond to the world science level and should be completed in the current year. Annually 11 people including a secretary are appointed as a jury by the JINR Directorate to consider presented research papers. The jury consists of representatives of the JINR Directorate and leading scientists. Decision on award of JINR prizes becomes operative after confirmation given by the JINR Scientific Council during its winter session.