JINR employees offered test access to IEL database

News, 11 June 2024

From 10 June to 9 July 2024, employees of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will be provided with test access to the resources of the IEEE Electronic Library (IEL). The IEL database includes a third of the world’s literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science. The library provides researchers, engineers, and students with access to technology through the most reputable journals, conference proceedings, and standards.

Unlimited access is available to more than 5 million full-text documents, including:

  • over 1.2 million articles from 203 of the most cited IEEE scientific journals, popular science journals, and other works;
  • more than 4 million conference proceedings published since 1936;
  • approximately 4,900 IEEE standards.

The database can be accessed through all computers of the Joint Institute connected to the JINR proxy server, or through the website of the JINR Science and Technology Library.