JINR Director visits Institute of Plasma Physics of Chinese Academy Of Sciences

News, 02 July 2024

On 1-2 July 2024, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research academician Trubnikov undertook a visit to the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy Of Sciences (ASIPP) in Hefei. During the visit, Grigory Trubnikov met with ASIPP Director, Professor Song Yuntao to discuss prospects for enhancing scientific cooperation between the two research centres.

JINR and the Institute of Plasma Physics of CAS have been actively working together since 2010, demonstrating remarkable scientific results in accelerator technology, low temperature physics and superconductivity, medicine physics in proton radiation therapy. In particular, as part of the NICA Project, several unique superconducting magnetic devices were developed in cooperation, including with the use of high-temperature superconductivity. In addition, superconducting proton cyclotrons (C200 and C240) for the Proton Therapy Centre in Hefei were designed and built jointly.

During the visit, the JINR delegation was introduced to the ASIPP research infrastructure and its contribution to the scientific development of the People’s Republic of China. In appreciation of the long-term and trustful partnership with JINR, Grigory Trubnikov was honoured to plant a tree in the International Friendship Park on Science Island, the tea olive (Osmanthus fragrans), the symbol tree of Hefei. Currently, with the support of the Government of China and the Government of Anhui Province, unique large-scale innovative projects are being implemented in Hefei: a Biomedical Technology Park and a Thermonuclear Fusion International Research Centre.

The main aim of the visit was to discuss future prospects for strengthening international scientific partnership in fundamental nuclear physics, as well as joint projects and initiatives in applied research for hadron therapy and medical physics. In his welcoming speech, ASIPP Director Song Yuntao stressed the importance of joint international work to achieve significant scientific results and expressed confidence in enhancing fruitful cooperation with JINR.

The parties held a productive working meeting, discussed the results of current research, and identified key areas of future joint projects. The discussed topics included promising developments in high-temperature superconductivity, the creation of compact medical cyclotrons and diagnostic systems, nuclear physics methods for environmental and climate research, as well as academic exchanges. Grigory Trubnikov invited his Hefei colleagues to join the international ARIADNA Collaboration of the NICA Complex.

JINR Director visited the ASIPP divisions and research facilities and learned about the recent achievements of the Institute. During the visit, special attention was paid to EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak). This experimental reactor is one of the world’s leading projects in thermonuclear energy, as well as a new technological one, with the help of which BEST, a new generation tokamak, is being developed (the launch is scheduled for 2027).

“This visit opens up new horizons for our cooperation, allowing us to combine efforts in finding answers to the most important research and technological issues, and solving the most ambitious problems of nuclear medicine,” the JINR Director said. “We are confident that our scientific friendship will lead to significant scientific achievements and help us get closer to solving fundamental problems in nuclear and plasma physics,” Grigory Trubnikov concluded.

JINR and ASIPP intend to continue active cooperation aimed at developing advanced technology and strengthening scientific ties between the JINR Member States and China.