JINR at MEPhI Nuclear Festival

News, 09 September 2024

From 6 to 8 September, MEPhI Volga Tourist Resort (Tver Region) held the second Nuclear Festival of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was one of the partners of the event along with Rosatom State Corporation, Moscow State University, and Kurchatov Institute. More than 30 JINR employees from Cuba, the Czech Republic, India, Russia, and Vietnam took part in various activities of the festival.

The exciting and fiery Nuclear Fest combines different scientific, sports, and music events for visitors of all ages. The programme included popular science lectures, a quest, a quiz, an engineering show, physics problems, master classes on operating drones, sports competitions between teams of young scientists for the MEPhI Nuclear Cup, a concert by popular musicians of various genres, a science film screening, and much more.

Head of the LRB JINR Radiation Physiology Sector Yuri Severyukhin presented a short lecture on how radiation affects the brains of small laboratory animals at the Science Slam competition. Head of the DLNP JINR Weak Interactions Sector Mark Shirchenko, one of the translators of The Big Bang Theory sitcom, explained his favourite scientific jokes from the show at the Nuclear Lecture.

Other activities included championships in beach volleyball, badminton, laser tag, chess, drone launching, and athletics. The JINR team won in the Nuclear Run, Badminton, and Quiz nominations of the MEPhI Nuclear Cup 2024, took the second place in the tabletop game tournament, and excelled in the tactical medicine competition.

The festival left the participants with many new experiences and warm memories. Such popular science events contribute to increasing the interest to science in the general audience.