Ionisation chambers for applied research at NICA Complex developed
Publications, 21 February 2025
The JINR Publishing Department issued a preprint entitled “Development of ionisation chambers for monitoring high-energy heavy ion intense beams” P1-2024-63. Among the authors is a VBLHEP JINR senior researcher Nelli Pukhaeva.
Two ionisation chambers, IK-1 and IK-2, were developed and manufactured for applied research at the NICA Facility. The IK-1 Chamber has an active area of 160 × 160 mm, with electrodes made of 140 μm thick foil-clad fiberglass. The IK-2 Chamber has an active area of 100 × 100 mm, with electrodes made of 110 μm thick foil-clad polyimide. The chambers are intended for the long-term irradiation station at the BM@N Experiment site, tested during the 2022–2023 session. The station enables long-term irradiation of samples in parallel with the BM@N Experiment and uses a high-energy ion beam. The facility creates wide opportunities for irradiating samples of new materials, such as high-temperature superconductors, polymers, catalysts, films, etc., as well as biological objects: 3D cell cultures, yeast, seeds, and various types of mould. The chambers were tested on a 60Co gamma source and a 150 MeV proton beam at the Prometheus Accelerator at the Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Centre (Obninsk, Russia). The development of such ionisation chambers is relevant in light of import substitution for applied research at the NICA Complex.
The study was performed at the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR.