International Summer School in FLNP
News, 28 June 2017
The 3rd International Summer School and Workshop “Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure” is being held on 28 – 30 June 2017 in the Conference Hall of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR, Dubna.
The main topics of the School include theory, simulations, and experimental research in physical, mechanical, structural, chemical, materials science, and biological aspects of soft complex matter with special emphasis on soft magnetic matter (magnetic elastomers, ferrogels, ferroliquid crystals, associations of nanoparticles with biomolecules and cells, etc.); aspects of applied studies at JINR’s large-scale research facilities, such as IBR-2, NICA and others will be considered.
The School was jointly organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), the West University of Timisoara, the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Perm), the Belarusian National Technical University – UNESCO Chair, the Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (Bucharest), the Romanian Society of Physics.