International seminar on problems of charged particle accelerators takes place in Alushta

News, 18 September 2024

From 15 to 20 September, the Dubna Resort House (Alushta, Russia) is hosting the 15th International Seminar on Problems of Charged Particle Accelerators dedicated to the outstanding JINR scientist, Professor Vladislav P. Sarantsev. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BINP SB RAS), and the RAS Scientific Council on the Problem of Charged Particle Accelerators organized the event. The working languages are Russian and English.

The seminar is aimed at exchanging information and discussing issues of accelerator physics and technology, physics of charged particle beams, development of new projects for lepton and hadron colliders, modernisation of existing facilities, use of accelerators for fundamental and applied tasks as well as attracting young scientists to work on accelerator technology problems.

Main topics:

  • ultrahigh energy collider projects;
  • modern ion accelerators and colliders;
  • cyclic electron-positron colliders;
  • generation of coherent radiation in a free-electron laser;
  • dynamics of charged particle beams;
  • new acceleration methods;
  • accelerators for medical and applied purposes.

At the opening of the anniversary seminar, Alexander Sorin, Deputy Director for Research at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR, spoke about fundamental research at the NICA Accelerator Complex. Grigory Baranov (BINP SB RAS), a researcher at the Department of Accelerator Systems at SKIF (Siberian Circular Photon Source) reported on the status of the SKIF. Deputy Head of the VBLHEP JINR Accelerator Department Anatoly Sidorin presented a report entitled “Concurrent beams: the future of colliders”. Fedor Emanov, a BINP SB RAS researcher, spoke about the features and prospects of the VEPP-5 (Colliding Electron-Positron Beams-5) Injection Complex.

Upon recommendation of the Programme Committee, selected reports of the seminar will be published in PEPAN Letters (Particles and Nuclei, Letters). The articles will be available in both Russian and English.