International Scientific Workshop dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor N.M.Shumeiko
A special session of the joint scientific seminar “Physics on the Large Hadron Collider” (leader: prof. I.A. Golutvin) devoted to the memory of Nikolay Shumeiko will be held on the occasion of his 75th anniversary on 20 September 2017, at 3:00 PM (Moscow time) at the International Conference Hall (Dubna).
Nikolai Maksimovich Shumeiko
22.09.1942 – 15.06.2016
Programme of the meeting
- Opening – I.A. Golutvin, V.A. Matveev
- Scientific career – J.G. Suarez
- The “Bardin–Shumeiko” method and its development – A.V. Zykounov
- About Шумейко Nikolai Shumeiko – I.A. Savin
- Speeches
- Standing buffet
You can also participate in the meeting, ask questions and take part in discussions via video conference system points at JINR (ICH, Dubna), LPI (Moscow), INR (“Pitomnik”, Moscow), IHEP (Protvino), SINP MSU (Moscow), PNPI (Gatchina), CERN (42-R-407), TSU (Tomsk), ASU (Barnaul), KSU (Kemerovo), OSU (Omsk), NSTU (Novosibirsk), YSU (Yaroslavl).
The seminar webcast will be available without special equipment at
The programme of the seminar