Independence Day of Republic of Azerbaijan

Organization, 28 May 2024

Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been celebrated in the JINR Member State since the 1990s in honour of the proclamation of independence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic by the National Council in 1918.

Throughout its entire history, JINR has maintained scientific ties with the Republic’s national scientific centres. JINR and Azerbaijan colleagues cooperate in many areas of research and projects of the Institute, including the NICA Accelerator Complex, the IBR-2 Reactor, theoretical studies, research on neutrino physics and astrophysics, and the JINR information and computing complex. Many specialists from Azerbaijan have completed training programmes in Dubna. Mutual scientific visits regularly take place.

The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Azerbaijan colleagues and partners, as well as their relatives, on the Independence Day and wishes them good health, happiness, prosperity, luck, and new professional successes for the benefit of science and progress.