Holiday “70 years CE”: 70th anniversary of “Blokhinka”
On 26 October 2019, the JINR Universal Public Library invites to the holiday “70 years CE” to celebrate the end of repairs and the 70th anniversary of the library.
Programme of the holiday:
- 4:00 PM – «Dubna that does not exist any more: Library at Blokhintsev str.,13»;
- 5:00 PM – event for children «Beware, the book is opening!»;
- 5:00 PM – a humorous Russian state exam by the “Schrödinger’s cat” journal;
- 6:00 PM – a musical and theatrical performance;
- 6:00 PM – video about the library from the arhive;
- 7:00 PM – playroom for children and adults “Let’s play altogether!»;
- 7:00 PM – «ProReading» about libraries and books;
- 7:00 PM – «The trial of fantasy. Season III».