FLNR-UC-UT: online tour of real facilities

News, 17 July 2020

On 8 July 2020, staff members of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the JINR University Centre held an online meeting with 125 students of the Governor’s School for the Sciences and Engineering (GSSE) of the University of Tennessee (UT), Knoxville, USA. The virtual guests had a video excursion to the FLNR experimental facilities.

The meeting was encouraged by the UT: Administrator of the summer school, Jason Moody, proposed to make the excursion as authentic as possible thus letting the students see the real everyday routine of researchers of the laboratory. The UC Social Communication Group created a video tour a part of which featured FLNR scientists talking about and demonstrating their work.

The video tour given online introduced the Knoxville students to FLNR experimental facilities: the new heavy-ion accelerator DC-280 and the gas-filled recoil separator. FLNR researchers Aleksey Voinov and Kirill Gikal spoke about the history of the Laboratory and some plans for the future. After the virtual tour, they answered the questions from the audience.

Thus, the online tours provided by the UC, being one of the popularization instruments, are getting more and more popular among those who cannot come to JINR themselves because of the great distance or young age.