FLNR Science and Technology Council


Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Date and Time: Friday, 23 June 2023, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Science and Technology Council of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (41)


  1. Elections for vacant positions

    Represented by Alexander V. Karpov:

    – Maksim V. Shumeyko
    applies for the position of a junior researcher.

    – Alyona А. Kuznetsova
    applies for the position of a junior researcher.

    – Ľuboš Krupa
    applies for the position of a senior researcher.

    – Elena V. Chernysheva
    applies for the position of a researcher.

    – Mikhail S. Golovkov
    applies for the position of a leading researcher.

    – Alexander V. Gorshkov
    applies for the position of a researcher.

    – Batchuluun Erdemchimeg
    applies for the position of a junior researcher.

    – Yulia М. Itkis
    applies for the position of a researcher.

    – Nguyen Van Tiep
    applies for the position of a junior researcher.

  2. Discussion of FLNR STC conclusions on dissertations submitted for the degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics

    – Dmitry I. Soloviov
    Represented by Mikhail G. Itkis.

  3. On supporting a candidacy for the position of a JINR fellow.

    Represented by Alexander V. Karpov.