FLNR Science and Technology Council
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Date and Time: Thursday, 16 July 2020, at 3:30 PM
Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Science and Technology Council of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (22)
- Support of the appointment of Candidates of Physics and Mathematics A. V. Eremin and G. Kaminsky for the positions of FLNR Deputy Directors for Science
- Elections for vacant positions:
– Vladimir E. Zhuchko
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Julia L. Parfenova
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Yuri G. Sobolev
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Vladimir I. Smirnov
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Sergey V. Stepantsev
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Ruslan A. Rymzhanov
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Dmutry A. Testov
applicant for the position of a senior researcher
– Alexander V. Gorshkov
applicant for the position of a researcher
– Julia M. Itkis
applicant for the position of a researcher
– Katarzhina Oleynichak
applicant for the position of a researcher
– Elena V. Chernysheva
applicant for the position of a researcher
– Erdemchimeg Batchuluun
applicant for the position of a junior researcher
– Zoya I. Goryainova
applicant for the position of a junior researcher
– Alena A. Kuznetsova
applicant for the position of a junior researcher
– Alena A. Kuznetsova
applicant for the position of a junior researcher
– Maxim V. Shumeiko
applicant for the position of a junior researcher
– Nguen Van Tiep
applicant for the position of a junior researcher
- Information about the past CP and PAC meetings
S. I. Sidorchuk - Miscellaneous
A. V. Karpov