FLNP Science and Technology Council


Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Date and Time: Thursday, 8 December 2022, at 11:00 AM

Venue: FLNP Conference Hall (FLNP lab. building, 3rd floor), Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Meeting of the Science and Technology Council of FLNP


Elections for vacant positions of:

— a chief researcher of the Sector of Investigations of Neutron Fundamental Properties of the FLNP Division of Nuclear Physics.
Applicant: A. I. Frank.

— a researcher of the Sector of Investigations of Neutron-nuclear Interactions of the FLNP Division of Nuclear Physics.
Applicant: L. V. Mitsyna.

— the Head of the FLNP Group of Nuclear Safety.
Applicant: Yu. N. Pepelyshev.

— a senior researcher of the FLNP Group of Nuclear Safety.

Applicant: A. D. Rogov.