FLNP JINR scientists awarded medals at international exhibition

News, 24 June 2024

On 6–8 June 2024, Euroinvent-2024, the 16th European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, took place in Iași (Romania). Among winners were researchers of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR: Inga Zinicovscaia, Dmitrii Grozdov, Nikita Yushin, and Alexandra Peshkova.

The young scientists received two awards: a gold medal for the development of the biological approach for holmium(III), erbium(III), and gadolinium(III) recovery from wastewater and a silver medal for the work “Accumulation and translication of copper and gold nanoparticles in Petroselinum crispum segments under root irrigation conditions.”

Congratulations to the JINR researchers on the awards!

    Euroinvent is the largest exhibition of inventions in Central and Eastern Europe. Today, the participants are representatives of not only European, but also Asian countries. This year, more than 600 papers and inventions in all fields of science were presented by researchers from 34 countries for evaluation by an international jury.