Dubna branch of Moscow State University launches IT Master’s course
Education, 23 January 2025
On 20 January, the JINR-based Dubna branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) announced the opening of enrolment for a new Master’s course entitled “Methods and technologies of data processing in heterogeneous computing environments”. Document submission will open in June 2025. Pre-registration for the enrolment is available on the branch’s website. There are 10 state-funded and 10 fee-based quotas.
The course entitled “Methods and technologies of data processing in heterogeneous computing environments” covers a wide range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the fundamental principles of large-scale computational modelling in various fields of science, the development of system and application software for supercomputing systems, and modern approaches to using high-performance systems for large-volume data mining.
The masters will study parallel programming technologies, methods of building architectures and software for multicore and graphics processors, clusters, and supercomputer complexes of any performance level, and much more.
The head of the programme “Methods and technologies of data processing in heterogeneous computing Environments” is Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Information Technologies at JINR Vladimir Korenkov.
“The MSU Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and the Sarov MSU branch train highly qualified IT specialists. Still, there are no programmes specifically for large scientific project personnel in Russia, which makes the opening of this course in Dubna MSU branch vital for us. These specialists will have a thorough understanding of scientific experiments from their student days and will be trained to work at NICA, Baikal-GVD, JUNO, and other megascience projects. The programme of our department at the Dubna MSU branch will be unique due to an integrated approach combining methods of mathematical modelling and mining of big data, including artificial intelligence methods; the development of large-scale distributed and parallel computing systems, including distributed data warehouses; and methods, technologies, and software for all stages of megascience projects,” – Vladimir Korenkov said.
In addition, he stressed that studying in Dubna gives young scientists the opportunity to participate in advanced JINR research and work on the unique computing infrastructure of the Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Alongside the new programme, the Dubna branch offers two other Master’s physics courses (10 state-funded and 10 fee-based quotas):
- Particle Physics, headed by JINR Scientific Leader, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Victor Matveev;
- Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Physics, headed by JINR Director, RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov.
The Dubna branch is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Boos. MSU higher education diplomas are given in two languages. Master’s students of the MSU branch are awarded a scholarship of 25,000 roubles and provided a dormitory in Dubna.
A document confirming one’s bachelor’s degree and an examination are required upon admission.
If you have any questions, please contact the branch’s admissions office by phone number +7 (496) 214-74-21 or by e-mail priem@msu.dubna.ru.