Competition results for JINR Youth Grants in 2025
Grants, 27 December 2024
In December 2024, the Central Expert Commission presented the results of the 2025 Grant Competition for Young JINR Scientists and Specialists held by the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR (AYSS).
The grants of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research for Young Scientists and Specialists are awarded annually in the nominations for the most significant experimental, theoretical, methodological, technical, and applied works conducted by young scientists and specialists under 36 years old.
The jury consists of leading JINR scientists, specialists, and employees of the Institute’s services, representatives of AYSS, and employees of other scientific organizations. For each category, the jury has the right to award the first, the second, and the incentive prizes. Each applicant is required to make a presentation at least at one of the JINR conferences during the year.
The grants, which will be awarded monthly from January to December 2025, were awarded to 53 researchers, 41 specialists, and 12 highly qualified workers from all laboratories and management of the Institute: VBLHEP (34 employees), DLNP (16 employees), FLNR (16 employees), FLNP (15 employees), BLTP (6 employees), MLIT (5 employees), LRB (3 employees), JINR Offices and Departments (11 employees).