Common cryogenic concept for various superconducting magnets of NICA Collider

News, 01 October 2024

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity published an article on the specifics of the cryogenic cooling concept for superconducting magnets of the NICA Accelerator Complex, their design features, and test results by a research team from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR. In addition, the paper includes a brief report on the status of the NICA Megascience Project.

The concept of forced flow two phase helium cooling of superconducting magnets in parallel channels of the Nuclotron Accelerator has been working successfully since its commissioning at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 1993.

This paper considers the main cryogenic aspects of this method. In addition, it studies the factors for further optimisation of designing magnets with high and low current designated for fast cycling or near DC mode. The design of magnets, measurements data of magnetic field parameters, and test results of the corresponding characteristics of the Booster and the Nuclotron-based NICA Collider Complex are described in detail.

Authors: Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan, Siegfried Egbert Fischer, Yurii Bespalov, Vladimir Borisov, Alexander Bychkov, Oleg Golubitsky, Alena Kotova, Grogiry Kuznetsov, Mikhail Petrov, Dmitry Nikiforov, Andrey Shemchuk, Elena Voronina, Dmitry Zolotykh.