BLTP scientific summer
News, 07 July 2017
Two scientific events will be started on Monday 10 July 2017 in the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR: the Helmholtz International Summer School «Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical Applications» and the Mini-Workshop on «Lattice and Functional Techniques for Exploration of Phase Structure and Transport Properties in Quantum Chromodynamics».
The Helmholtz International Summer School «Nuclear Theory and Astrophysical Applications» (NTAA17) which will be held for the fifth time, was organized organized jointly by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR, Centres and Institutes of the Helmholtz Association (Germany) in the frames of the DIAS-TH (Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physic) educational programme. The school is organized in the frames of the agreement between the Helmholtz Association and JINR. This agreement is for a period of three years, and each year two schools are held. A series of these schools was started in 2004, the Helmholtz International Summer School programme cover a wide range of theoretical topics, from elementary particle theory to cosmology. During 12 days, in the frames of the NTAA17 School a series of lectures will be given and seminars will be held on such topical issues as nuclear structure and reactions, neutrinoless double β-decay, superfluidity in nuclei and neutron stars, terrestrial experiments for astrophysics, neutrino interactions with nuclei / nuclear matter and supernovae, condensation and phase transitions in dense matter.
The Mini-Workshop «Lattice and Functional Techniques for Exploration of Phase Structure and Transport Properties in Quantum Chromodynamics». Inspired by the activities going on in Dubna for the construction of NICA and the preparations of experimentalists for the BM@N and MPD experiments, the Bogolubov Laboratory for Theoretical Physics of JINR is launching a Thematical Topic “Theory of Hadronic Matter under Extremal Conditions” as part of the future planning and structuring the Laboratory. his mini-workshop is the second in this series. It aims at bringing together practioners of QCD lattice thermodynamics with specialists developing functional continuum approaches and to chart promising areas of collaboration or to continue already ongoing collaboration, mainly with the aim to extend the abilities of lattice QCD simulations: from zero to finite baryonic density, from Euclidean to Minkowski time, from zero to nonvanishing external fields, temperature depencence of topology and topological susceptibility, modelling phase transitions in finite, strongly interacting systems.