AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club
On 27 September 2023, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists at JINR invites everyone interested to the next seminar that will take place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6, Joliot-Curie street, left side).
Mikhail Shandov, a researcher at VBLHEP JINR, will make a report “Particle accelerators, microscope of physicists of 20th century”
Certainly, for more than a hundred years, particle accelerators are the main tool of scientists to study depth of matter and laws of nature and find application in many sectors of the national economy as well. The chronology of the appearance and evolution of accelerators is considered as an integral part of the development of scientific idea about the structure of matter and a tool in the hands of researchers. The basic principles of the accelerator technology and the organization of a physical experiment are given, as well as the question of the future of research facilities of this type.
There will be a small coffee break at 4:00 PM, which precedes the seminar. The report will start at 4:15 PM.
To join the event on 27 September, please fill in the form via the link not later than 4:00 PM 26 September.
Records of AYSS seminars are available via the link