AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club


On 26 June 2024, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists at JINR invites everyone interested to the next seminar that will take place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6, Joliot-Curie street, left side).

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Researcher at the Formation Reactions and Heavy Nuclei Structure Sector at FLNR at JINR Mereigul Tezekbayeva will deliver her report “From fermium to seaborgium: structure and properties of heavy elements”.

The synthesis of isotopes of superheavy elements (SHE, Z≥104) is one of the main tasks of modern nuclear physics, one of the goals of which is to seek for the Island of stability. However, it is important not only to be able to synthesise new nuclei but also to study their properties and internal structure. Unfortunately, we have rather limited knowledge about the properties of SHE, since collecting the necessary statistical data is a difficult technical task. With modern methods of study, the area of heavy elements from fermium to seaborgium is the most accessible for research, since the probability of formation of these isotopes is much higher than that of the SHE isotopes. This allows for the collection of significant amount of statistical data necessary for the analysis of experimental results. For the past two decades, FLNR JINR has been actively engaged in research aimed at studying the properties of heavy element isotopes. These studies allow scientists to advance their understanding of the properties of nuclear matter and the limits of its stability.

To join the event on 26 June, please fill in the form via the link.