AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club


On 25 September 2024, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists at JINR invites everyone interested to the next seminar that will take place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6, Joliot-Curie street, left side).

A researcher at the LRB JINR Department of Radiation Biology and Physiology Ignacio Hernández Gonzalez will deliver his report “Applications of radiotheranostics”.

Nuclear medicine can be considered a very young science since it is less than a century old. Nowadays it is a very important and powerful, constantly evolving discipline in medical diagnosis and therapy, as well as biomedical research. Radiotheranostics is an emerging field within nuclear medicine with a great potential because it allows us to explore a priori the possible outcome of radiotherapeutic procedures or other therapeutic approaches.

The seminar will cover the most relevant aspects of radiotheranostics starting from basic concepts, radionuclide pairs used, examples of clinical and non-clinical applications, challenges, and new trends.

To join the event on 25 September, please fill in the form via the link.