AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club


On 22 May 2024, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists at JINR invites everyone interested to the next seminar that will take place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6, Joliot-Curie street, left side).

Head of the Immunocytochemistry and Cytometry Group of the Sector of Molecular Radiobiology at LRB at JINR Tatyana Khramko will deliver her report “DNA repair in neurons: why do they repair if they don’t divide?”.

Neurons, as the cells that underlie mental activity, are an extremely important component of the brain. It is impossible to imagine human existence without them. However, despite such a significant role, the issue of the effects of radiation on these cells remained unresolved for a long time, since neurons were considered to be relatively radioresistant. The concept of radiation resistance in radiobiology, formulated by Jean Bergonier and Louis Tribondeau, is largely based on the ability of cells to divide: the higher the rate of division is, the more radiosensitive the cell population. The rate of division, in turn, is determined by the effectiveness of systems for maintaining DNA integrity (repair mechanisms), which make it possible to restore genetic information lost as a result of radiation and then transmit it to descendants. In the case of neurons, maturation and acquisition of specialisation deprives them of the ability to divide and transmit genetic information. Thus, the question arises: if genetic information is not transmitted to daughter cells, then why maintain its integrity in neurons?

To join the event on 22 May, please fill in the form via the link.