Award of the I.M.Frank scholarship for 2019
Grants, 17 December 2018
On 14 December 2018, the jury of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics decided to award I.M. Frank scholarships for 2019 to:
- In the section “Condenced Matter Physics”:
N.M. Belozerova, K.M. Nazarov - In the section “Nuclear Physics”:
N.S. Yushin - In the section “Development of Basic Facilities”:
K.A. Mukhin - In the section “Scientific and methodological developments for neutron research”:
A.I. Ivankov - The jury takes into account that A.V. Nagorny participates in the competition for F.L. Shapiro scholarship and expresses the hope that this scholarship will be awarded to him.
Chairman of the jury — A.I. Frank.
Attendees: A.M. Balagurov, O. Culicov, A.I. Frank, A.N. Kopach, D.P. Kozlenko, P.V. Sedyshev, V.N. Shvetsov, A.V. Vinogradov.
Scientific Secretary — D. Chudoba.