At the meeting of the JINR STC
Organization, 23 June 2017
On 16 June 2017, a meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council was held; it was devoted to issues of training of personnel for the Institute by the State University “Dubna”. The main objective of the joint STC meeting was to synchronize development of educational programmes of the University (and establishment of new ones) with plans for development of JINR in light of implementation of new large projects.
Rector of the University «Dubna» D.V.Fursaev told the participants of the STC meeting about the present status of the University and its main achievements, as well as about prospects for development of engineering and technology education in the University in view of the interests and goals of JINR. The Rector noted that cooperation between the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the State University “Dubna” is an example of successful University-employer cooperation. At the University More than 120 JINR employees are part-time teachers at the University, and about 240 University graduates were hired at JINR; three-quarters of them are working in JINR laboratories. The main challenge, the Rector sees, is establishment of a University programme for training of engineering personnel for new projects of JINR.
The University jointly with the Laboratory of High Energy Physics and the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions carried out a preliminary analysis of the JINR staffing requirements; special attention was paid to the needs of young employees in NICA (VBLHEP) and DRIBs (FLNR) projects Basing on these results, a draft programme for training of personnel for JINR in 2017 – 2024 was prepared. The purpose of the programme is to coordinate work of the University with implementation of research projects of the JINR Seven-Year Plan for Development. This was said at the STC meeting by Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological work of the University A.S. Denikin. Director of the JINR University Centre S.Z. Pakuliak also made a report on the JINR Engineering and Physics Training at the STC meeting.
After an extensive discussion JINR Science and Technology Council supported the proposal to establish a system of training of engineering and technical personnel for the Institute on the basis of the University.