Application of photonic crystals for generating broadband radiation at LINAC-200 Linear Accelerator

News, 03 September 2024

Scientists from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR, in cooperation with colleagues from Russian scientific centres, studied the possibilities of using ordered three-dimensional arrays of photonic crystals to generate gigahertz, optical, and neutron radiation in the interaction with the high-energy electron beam at the LINAC-200 Linear Accelerator. Nuclear Physics and Engineering published the results of the study in the third issue of the journal for 2024.

LINAC-200 Linear Electron Accelerator

The paper presents the optical spectra of the illumination of photonic crystals at the interaction of the relativistic electron beam with them. Scientists conducted experiments to obtain two-dimensional images of objects in gamma and neutron fluxes in the interaction of the electron beam with photonic crystal material. They considered various neutron-generating targets for which the corresponding neutron yields were calculated. In addition, the paper describes the electromagnetic and neutron field characteristics obtained as a result of the experiment.

Among the authors are JINR researchers from the Scientific and Experimental Department of Theoretical and Methodological Support of VBLHEP JINR Projects Anton Baldin, Valery Kobets, and Vitold Bleko. Specialists from Omega Institute for Advanced Studies, Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MIREA Russian Technological University, Diamond Vision Company, and the Russian Federal Nuclear Centre (RFNC-VNIIEF) also participated in the research.