Application deadline for JINR grants for Dubna teachers extended

Grants, 21 February 2024

The application deadline for the competition for JINR Grants for teachers of Dubna has been extended until 1 March 2024. The Institute’s Directorate invites teachers to participate in the competition.

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research holds annual competition for JINR grants for schoolteachers and additional education teachers in Dubna. The competition aims to promote professional development, stimulate the creative activity of teachers specialising in subjects and technologies essential for potential future JINR employees, and to encourage the work of the best teachers.

Applicants should send printed versions of documents in a single envelope to the JINR Directorate with a note “For the JINR grant competition for teachers” to the address: 141980, Moscow Region, Dubna, 6 Joliot-Curie str., room 16, as well as their electronic versions to

For any inquiries please call: +7 (496) 216-31-34, +7 (496) 216-32-91.

  Download the Regulation PDF file

  Download the Resume DOC file