About cameras and fines for using cars

News, 22 April 2020

Dear colleagues,

Due to the tightening of the control of the self-isolation regime, regional surveillance cameras have been installed in the city. They are controlled neither by the City Administration nor by our Department of Internal Affairs and General Administration for Traffic Safety. These cameras automatically read car licence plates and send them to the region. If there is no pass issued for a car, the owner will automatically receive a fine. The system started working today. Thanks to the support of the City Administration, we achieved the delay the issuance of fines for 2-3 days. Nevertheless, all JINR employees using personal transport should issue passes for themselves and their vehicles on their own. To do this, it is necessary to send SMS either to the Moscow centre using the number 7377 or to the Regional centre using the number 0250. See the instructions below:

  1. To the Moscow centre using the number 7377, to the website mos.ru:

    Brief instruction to get the pass using SMS to the Moscow centre:

    Send to 7377 the following text (XXXX series of passport, YYYYYY number of passport, A000AA00 number of licence plate of vehicle, JINR INN 9909125356):


    More details are available via the link: https://www.mos.ru/news/item/72520073/

  2. SMS to the Regional centre, the number 0250, website mosreg.ru: Brief instruction to get the SMS pass in the Regional Centre:

    Send an SMS to 0250 using the phone with the following text (XXXX series, YYYYYY number of passport, DD.DD.DDDD date of birth, A000AA00 number of licence plate of vehicle JINR INN 9909125356):


    More details are available via the link: https://riamo.ru/article/425292/kak-oformit-tsifrovoj-propusk-v-podmoskove-po-sms.xl

JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread
of the coronavirus infection

A brief instruction on how to obtain an electronic pass via the site https://nedoma.mos.ru/ to move around Dubna on personal, official, or public transport