A delegation from the Second University of Naples visited JINR
News, 18 July 2016
A delegation from the Second University of Naples, headed by world famous Professor of astronomy Massimo Capacciloli visited the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions on 5 July 2016. The delegation consisted of representatives of the academic teaching personnel of the University: D. Serafino, D. Godano, N. Itaco, A. D’Onofrio, F. Terrasi, L. Gianfrani. The guests were accompanied by FLNR Scientific Secretary A.V. Karpov.
During the meeting, the Italian delegation visited the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, as well as the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, where information about research in neutrino physics and astrophysics aroused a special interest of the guests. The representatives of the Second University of Naples also noted the importance of the Medico-Technical Complex (MTC), which operates on the basis of the Phasotron.
Professor Massimo Capaccioli expressed interest in developing cooperation between the Second University of Naples and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in the fields of education.
Massimo Capaccioli ― Professor of astronomy of the Second University of Naples (agreement on cooperation between the Second University of Naples and the State University “Dubna” No. 13-266У of 18.06.2015), the University of Naples Federico II, a world famous specialist in study of galaxies who made a number of fundamental discoveries; he has received international awards, he has headed the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte (OAC) of Naples (Italy) for 13 years, Honorary Professor of MSU, he works extensively with the Sternberg Astronomical Institute.
He was a member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the international workshop and school “Black and Dark topics in Modern Cosmology and Astrophysics” in 2013 and the International Conference and School “Russian-Italian School on Astrophysics and Cosmology at Dubna” in 2015 which were held in the University “Dubna” (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Second University of Naples and the Italian Embassy in Moscow were the organizers).
Massimo Capaccioli twice delivered popular scientific lectures to students of the University “Dubna”: “The order and beauty of the Universe” (September 2015), “The Christmas star: between knowledge and myth” (November 2015).