A basic department of TSU will be established at JINR
Education, 21 September 2017
On 20 September 2017, JINR was visited by a delegation from the Tomsk State University headed by the rector – Doctor of Psychology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Eduard Vladimirovich Galazhinskiy.
The National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) was founded in 1878 as the Imperial Tomsk University. It was the first Russian institution of higher education on the territory of Siberia and the Far East. Today, TSU is a classical University of research type, the center of science, education and innovations, which is among five best classical universities of the country. The structure of the University includes 21 faculties and a training Institute, 1 branch and 38 centers of pre-University training and career counseling in cities of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Number of students in TSU is more than 15 thousand.
During the visit, the delegation of the University visited the FLNR accelerator complex, including the construction site of the Factory of Superheavy Elements, as well as production and testing sites of the Medipix and Micromegas detectors in DLNP. Later, the guests visited the VBLHEP site, where they were acquainted with the construction progress of the NICA Collider and the factory of superconducting magnets. The TSU representatives also met with the leadership of the JINR University Centre to discuss issues of cooperation in the educational sphere, the main of which was the decision on establishment of the Basic Department of TSU at JINR.
The key event that concluded the visit of the Tomsk delegation was their meeting with JINR Director V.A. Matveev, where an agreement on cooperation in the fields of research and training between JINR and Tomsk state University was signed. Training of students and postgraduates of the Tomsk State University, as well as training of highly qualified personnel for TSU and JINR will be held in the following areas: theoretical and mathematical physics, physics of elementary particles and atomic nuclei; electronics, automation, computer engineering and information technology, nuclear and radiation medicine, radiation biology. In the frames of the agreement, it is planned to conduct joint fundamental and applied research using the unique equipment of JINR laboratories, as well as the infrastructure of TSU.
JINR and TSU have long-term scientific cooperation. The cooperation got new impetus by successful joint work on semiconductor pixel detectors Medipix that has been conducted in the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems for the last 15 years. One of the main elements of these detectors is gallium arsenide doped with chromium that is produced by TSU, using a unique technique in the laboratory of Professor O.P. Tolbanov. In addition, TSU and JINR have successfully cooperated in the construction of equipment for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. As it is known, in 2015, the University entered CERN as an associate participant of the ATLAS collaboration, and in 2016, TSU became a full member of this collaboration.