Gamma Quantum Yield from Nuclear Fusion Reactions in Muonic Molecules ptμ and pdμ


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Date and Time: Thursday, 24 December 2020, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference in Zoom

Seminar topic: “Gamma Quantum Yield from Nuclear Fusion Reactions in Muonic Molecules ptμ and pdμ”

Authors: A. Adamczak, V. A. Baranov, L. N. Bogdanova, V. P. Volnykh, O. P. Vikhlyantsev, S. S. Gershtein, K. I. Gritsaj, D. L. Demin, V. N. Duginov, A. D. Konin, I. P. Maksimkin, R. K. Musyaev, A. I. Rudenko, M. P. Faifman, S. V. Filchagin, A. A. Yukhimchuk

Speaker: Dmitry Demin


The gamma-quantum yield from nuclear fusion reactions resulting from different spin states of the muonic molecules ptμ and pdμ has been measured. The muon sticking coefficient in the channel of the pt-fusion with a single gamma-quantum yield is experimentally determined. The fusion reaction channels with the yield of the double gamma-quanta ptμ → 4Heμ + γ + γ, pdμ → 3Heμ + γ + γ are observed for the first time. The observation of a single gamma-quantum in the fusion reaction channel ptμ → 4Heμ + γ agrees with the previous study. The research has been carried out at the Triton facility at DLNP (JINR) using a specially designed liquid-tritium target.

For submission to JETP

Record of the seminar by D. Demin, 24.12.20