Synthesis of New Transuranium Isotopes in Multinucleon Transfer Reactions


Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Joint Laboratory Seminar

Date and Time: Wednesday, 20 November 2019, at 3:30 PM

Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Seminar topic «Synthesis of New Transuranium Isotopes in Multinucleon Transfer Reactions»

Speaker: Sophia Heinz (GSI, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen)


Recently, we observed several new isotopes with proton numbers Z ≥ 92 in low-energy collisions of 48Ca+248Cm. The peculiarity is that the nuclei were produced in deep inelastic multinucleon transfer reactions, a method which is presently discussed as a possible new pathway to enter so far unknown regions in the upper part of the nuclide chart. For separation of the transfer products we used a velocity filter, the Separator for Heavy Ion reaction Products SHIP at GSI. The resulting strong background suppression allowed us to detect nuclei with cross-sections down to the subnanobarn scale. The isotope identification was performed via the alpha decay chains of the nuclei in the focal plane of SHIP. Beside the new isotopes we identified about 100 further target-like transfer products with proton numbers up to Z=102 and determined their cross-sections. Our results will be discussed together with previous measurements, and perspectives will be given for the application of multinucleon transfer reactions to produce new heavy and superheavy isotopes.