Philosophical problems of scientific experiment
On 15 May – 1 June 2018, in the JINR University Centre, Vitaly Pronskikh (Candidate of Physics and Maths, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the USA) reads a course of lectures “Philosophical problems of scientific experiment” for undergraduate and graduate students. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 in room 437.
All intrested are kindly invited
Abstract of the first lecture, 15 May:
Intriduction. Early views on the experiment. What is the philosophy of science, and why does a scientist need it? Philosophy of scientific experiment as a section of modern Western philosophy of science. Empiricism (F. Bacon), inductivism (I. Newton) and criticism of it, rationalism (R. Descartes). Mathematical experiment of modern times (G. Galilei). Instrumentalist understanding of the experiment; P. Duhem. Logical positivists about the experiment (proof of the hypothesis); C. Hempel.