4th Joint Committee on JINR-Serbia cooperation
News, 13 February 2017
The 4th Session of the Joint Coordination Committee on cooperation between JINR and the Republic of Serbia was held as a videoconference on 9 February 2017.The main objective of the session was to approve a roadmap for the development of the JINR-Serbia cooperation for the period until 2020.
On the JINR side the session was attended by a delegation headed by JINR Vice-Director R. Lednický; a delegation of the Serbian side was headed by Coordinator of JINR-Serbia cooperation S. Petrović from the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. The Committee approved funding of joint projects from the membership’s fee of Serbia received by JINR in December 2016. In particular, the Committee has launched two new projects in the fields of experimental nuclear physics, one of which will enhance the relations of JINR with the University of Novi Sad.
The Committee started the preparation of events aimed at further development of cooperation, which will be held in Belgrade on 15-17 March 2017 and will be dedicated to the 10th anniversary of associate membership of Serbia in JINR. The Committee also traditionally focused attention on educational issues.