Study of exotic nuclei with Z<20 at the DRIBs accelerating complex



Joint Laboratory Seminar

Date and Time: Wednesday, 20 December 2017, at 3:30 PM

Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Seminar topic: “Study of exotic nuclei with Z < 20 at the DRIBs accelerating complex"

Speaker: A.S. Fomichev


This work covers the advancement of the experimental methods applied to the study of 6He, 6Li, 6Be, 17Ne, 26P, 26,27S exotic nuclei at DRIBS complex. New data on structure of studied nuclei and rare decay channels with particle emission from the ground and excited states were collected using these methods.
Implanting 26P and 27S neutron deficient isotopes into the optical time projection chamber gave the exact values of probabilities of beta-delayed emission of one, two and three protons.
In experimental search for 26S unknown isotope in 32S(50.3 MeV/A)+Be fragmentation reaction the half-life limit of T1/2 (26S) < 79 ns was determined. 26S decay energy values in one-proton and two-proton emissions were specified in this experiment.
Method of combined mass applied for the first time to the study of rare brunch of 2p-decay of 17Ne(3/2-) nuclei first excited state enabled to find record low Γ2p / Γγ < 1.6(3) x 10-4 probability ratio (factor 50 compared to previous data). This method may be good for the study of other isotopes in the vicinity of stability line.
Method of registration of α-p-p three charged particles in 6Be decay was suggested and realized. Population of isovector soft dipole mode of ET > 4 MeV excitation energy was discovered in 6Be spectre in 1H(6Li,6Be)n charge-exchange reaction.
Study of complete and incomplete fusion reactions for 6He(64 MeV) + 166Er and 6Li(58 MeV) + 165Ho systems showed how 6He (neutron halo nucleus) and 6Li (nucleus has α+d cluster structure) nuclei structures influence the fusion cross section around the reaction Coulomb barrier.
Experiments were performed at FLNR accelerator complex.

(Following materials of the Doctoral Thesis)