JINR Repository of scientific publications
Laboratory of Information Technologies
Joint Laboratory Seminar
Date and Time: Tuesday, 3 December 2024, at 3:00 PM
Venue: Conference Hall, Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, online on Webinar
Information about seminar and link to join
Seminar topic: “JINR Repository of scientific publications”
Speaker: Irina Filozova
An updated version of the repository of scientific publications by JINR employees is presented. The digital archive contains bibliographic data and full texts of main types of scientific documents, the authors of which are affiliated with JINR. The institutional repository is being developed as part of the JINR digital ecosystem. At the current stage, automated content filling has been implemented through regulated collection of metadata and full texts (if available) of publications from trusted sources using open and partner APIs for 2019-2024 years with identification of the authorship of employees (making and maintaining the Publication-Author relationship) and belonging to a structural unit (making and maintaining the Publication-Unit relationship). A function has been implemented for input new publications in self-archiving mode (entering data into the repository yourself). At the moment, the active collection of the repository includes more than 10000 publications, of which 3500 have full text in Open Access. Full texts and other materials stored at the repository comply with the open Creative Commons Attribution CC Attribution (CC BY) license.
The main capabilities of the repository, its structure, and basic user requests will be demonstrated at the seminar.