Moscow region Government awarded JINR Scientists
News, 21 September 2016
Subsequent to the resolution № 368-ПГ of 15 September 2016 of the Government of the Moscow Region “On bestowal the Moscow region awards”, JINR scientists (Dubna) were presented with awards.
Deputy Director of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics Hamlet Georgievich Khodzhibagiyan was awarded the Badge “For Services to the Moscow Region”, 3rd class.
The honorary title “Moscow Region’s Distinguished Person of Science” was conferred to: Chief Scientific Researcher of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR Gerasimov Sergo Borisovich, Chief Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR Ososkov Gennadi Alekseevich, Chief Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR Frank Alexander Ilich, Leading Scientific Researcher of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR Shelkov Georgi Aleksandrovich.
Hamlet Georgievich Khodzhibagiyan
Gerasimov Sergo Borisovich
Ososkov Gennadi Alekseevich
Frank Alexander Ilich
Shelkov Georgi Aleksandrovich
“The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is the only international intergovernmental organization which won the award of the Governor of the Moscow region”. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government Denis Boutsaev
«The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is the only international intergovernmental organization which won award of the Governor of the Moscow region, – Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government, MR Minister of Investments and Innovations Denis Butsaev noted. – Today JINR is implementing many international projects. One of them is the project of the mega-science class experimental facility NICA, in which 16 Russian institutions and organizations, 79 institutes from 24 foreign countries participate. Another achievement of the Institute is the discovery of element 115 of the D.I.Mendeleev Periodic Table. It is planned to name officially the new element this year», – the Deputy Chairman added.
«We are pleased with the success of the Institute and always willing to support scientific research of scientists of our region. Congratulations on well-deserved recognition with wishes for new discoveries and victories!», – Denis Butsaev congratulated the awardees.