Status and possible future application of NaI(Tl) multi-crystal gamma-ray detection systems at FLNP at JINR


Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar of the Division of Nuclear Physics

Scientific leader: Valery Shvetsov

Date and Time: Wednesday, 25 September 2024, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Conference hall, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar topic: “Status and possible future application of NaI(Tl) multi-crystal gamma-ray detection systems at FLNP at JINR”

Speaker: Ivan Ruskov


The lecture will cover the state of two NaI(Tl) gamma-ray multidetector systems. It will discuss their past use and potential future applications for conducting experiments for studying the neutron-induced fission and capture reactions and determining the elemental composition of various materials and complex substances using the IREN Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer.

The lecture will focus only on two different configurations of NaI(Tl) scintillation gamma-ray detectors, distinguished by different “romashka” (daisy) type geometries.

This info-lecture is dedicated to the memory of esteemed scientific leaders, teachers, and remarkable neutron and nuclear physicists: Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Natalia B. Yaneva and Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Alexander A. Lukyanov.