Trigger system of BM@N Experiment / Development of compact TOF Neutron Spectrometer


VBLHEP Specialised Seminar

A. M. Baldin Relativistic nuclear physics and polarisation phenomena #823

Date and Time: Wednesday, 19 June 2024, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Conference Hall (bld. 3), the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, online on Volna

  1. Seminar topic: “Trigger system of the BM@N Experiment”

    Speaker: Victor Rogov, Sergey Sedykh


    The system of fast scintillation detectors created and a special electronic trigger module allow for reliable and efficient selection of nucleus–nucleus interactions in a thin target of the BM@N spectrometer. Design and characteristics of the detectors, electronics, and trigger interface are presented. The system performance in the BM@N experimental run with Xe ion beam will be discussed.

  2. Seminar topic: “Development of a compact TOF Neutron Spectrometer”

    Speaker: Nikita Lashmanov


    A compact time-of-flight neutron spectrometer is developed as a part of the BM@N Facility to study energy spectra of neutrons at large angles, in the target spectator region. The spectrometer is located within the strong magnetic field of the BM@N Analysing Magnet and is aimed at measuring energy spectra of neutrons in the energy range of 2 – 200 MeV. Stilbene crystals with SiPM readout are used for neutron detection. The spectrometer characteristics are discussed, including time resolution and n/γ discrimination based on pulse shape. Preliminary results obtained for Xe + CsI collisions at beam energy of 3.8 GeV/nucleon will be presented.