Energy spectra for three particles with contact interactions
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Seminar on Nuclear Theory
Date and Time: Monday, 27 May 2024, at 3:30 PM
Venue: Blokhintsev Lecture Hall, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, online on Zoom
Seminar topic: “Energy spectra for three particles with contact interactions”
Speaker: Anastasiya Malykh
Authors: Anastasiya Malykh (BLTP JINR), Oleg Kartavtsev (DLNP JINR)
Energy spectra of three particles in the universal low-energy limit of zero-range two-body interactions are considered. Besides the positive masses, also the case of one negative and two positive masses (under the condition that a sum of the masses is negative) is studied. In the sector LP = 0+, energy spectrum is given by EN = exp(2πN/|γ|) (Efimov effect), where the dependence of the parameter γ on masses is determined. For larger L, one considers two identical particles of mass m and distinct one of mass m1. For non interacting identical particles there is a correspondence between energy spectra for the positive mass ratio m/m1 and negative one m*/ m1* = −1/(2 + m1/m). The critical values of the mass ratio, which indicate different approaches to formulating the three-body problem, are presented for L = 1 − 5. The dependence of energy on the interaction strengths for the lowest total angular momenta is exemplified.