Creation of wide-aperture silicon track systems in VBLHEP JINR: status and prospects / Status of some parts of TPC for MPD/NICA Experiment


VBLHEP Scientific and Methodical Seminar №6-2024

Date and Time: Thursday, 30 May 2024, at 11:00 AM

Venue: bld. 215, room 241, Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics; online on Volna

  1. Seminar topic: “Creation of wide-aperture silicon track systems in VBLHEP JINR: status and prospects (5-year report)”

    Speaker: Yuri Murin


    Дается развернутый обзор по достижениям НМОКТС за последние пять лет в строительстве широкоапертурных кремниевых трековых систем для базовых установок NICA: MPD и BM@N. Оценивается ущерб проектам НМОКТС, вызванный торговым эмбарго «недружественных стран», на время исполнения проектов. Указывается на налаживание сотрудничества с партнерами из КНР как на реальный путь преодоления возникших трудностей. Дается подробный план действий НМОКТС на последующие пять лет для построения трековых систем для MPD и BM@N и начала работ по применению развитых технологий для протонной томографии.

  2. Тема семинара: “Status of some parts of the TPC for the MPD/NICA Experiment”

    Speaker: Aleksey Bazhazhin

    Authors: Aleksey Bazhazhin, Sergey Movchan, Juris Lukstins, Gleb Mescheryakov, Oleg Fateev, Vyacheslav Samsonov, Sergey Zaporozhets, Viktor Chepurnov, Stepan Vereschagin, Aleksander Pilar, Vladislav Zruev, Aleksandr Ribakov, Igor Balaschov, Aleksander Makarov, Vladislav Chepurnov, Valery Serduk, Galina Cheremukhina


    As part of the creation of a new accelerator complex NICA, a Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is being developed, the central part of which is a Time Projection Chamber (TPC).

    The TPC being a large but conceptually simple detector must be constructed with very high precision to reduce nonlinear systematic effects. Together with the time of flight and inner tracker detectors, the TPC detector provides tracking, pattern recognition, vertex reconstruction and charged particle identification. High stability of the mechanical structure and uniformity of the drift field, the temperature, the drift gas purity and the gas gain have to be provided to get precise track reconstruction and energy-loss measurements. The TPC has a cylindrical body with a diameter of 2.8 m and length of 3.4 m and is placed in the magnet with solenoidal field of 0.5 T. The sensitive volume contains around 17.6 m3 of argon-methane mixture. The detector will register charged products of heavy ion collisions and provide registering events with a trigger rate up to 7 kHz.

    The structure of the TPC, the basic design parameters of the TPC and the basic TPC configuration are provided. Status of some parts of the TPC are presented.