Some aspects of thermophysical calculations of fuel rods and fuel assemblies using example of NEPTUNЕ reactor


SNSCM seminar

The leader is Maksim Bulavin

Date and Time: Friday, 5 April 2024, at 11:00 AM

Venue: FLNP Conference Hall, bld. 119, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar topic: “Some aspects of thermophysical calculations of fuel rods and fuel assemblies using the example of the NEPTUNЕ reactor”

Speaker: Maksim Podlesny


Since 2021, the scientific group of a new neutron source has been conducting thermophysical calculations of the reactor core of pulsed reactors. Methodological work has been done to determine the temperature fields in fuel elements, using which the mechanical deformations of fuel rods of various designs are determined. The phenomenon of dynamic bending of fuel rods, which plays a significant role in assessing the stable operation of pulsed reactors, was discovered.

In the report, the author updates the current results and formulates the direction of future thermohydraulic research in fuel assemblies in order to study their deformations.