17th Internship for Young Scientists from CIS countries finishes

News, 20 June 2024

On 17 June, the closing ceremony of the Internship for Young Scientists from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) took place at the JINR International Conference Centre. The internship was organized by the International Innovation Centre for Nanotechnology of the CIS (CIS ICNT) with the support of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States (IFGS CIS) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. At the event, the internship participants defended their projects prepared in international scientific groups, and received completion certificates.

The programme of the month-long visit of young CIS researchers in Dubna included a wide range of activities: excursions to all seven JINR laboratories and the University Centre, many thematic lectures and practical classes by leading JINR scientists, visits to the site of NICA Megascience Project, and joint work with a number of JINR scientific groups. In addition, the participants got acquainted in detail with the activities of the Dubna State University, expressing particular interest in the workshop at the Digital Production Centre. A large part of the business programme was dedicated to the Dubna Special Economic Zone (Dubna SEZ): meetings with the leadership of the SEZ and acting innovative enterprises, visits to the resident companies of the Dubna SEZ: Daedalus, Pascal Medical, Anchor, Core Fab Dubna, etc.

The final event of the internship was the presentation of joint projects that participants worked on during the month, having formed international teams at the start of the internship. Deputy Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Mikhail Itkis, Head of the Social Infrastructure Management Office, Deputy Chairperson of the Council of Dubna Deputies Andrey Tamonov, and representatives of the Innovations and Intellectual Property Department Maxim Vasiliev and Peter Permyakov reviewed the results of the projects.

In conclusion, Director of the CIS ICNT, JINR Assistant Director for Development Projects Alexander Ruzaev presented the participants with certificates marking successful completion of the internship of young scientists and specialists of the CIS, summing up the results:

“December 2024 will be the 15th anniversary of the Forum on the Establishment of the CIS International Nanotechnology Innovation Centre, which took place at JINR. This allows us to draw some conclusions not only about this internship, but also about the entire work of the CIS ICNT, which is relevant now that international competition in science, education, and technology is of growing importance.

Our experience shows that in recent years, youth from the CIS countries are increasingly more interested in science and in participating in international collaborations. This makes it possible to overcome national limitations in terms of material, technological, and intellectual resources.

It is necessary to increase access to information regarding the opportunities and conditions provided to young scientists in the CIS by international scientific organizations such as JINR and high-tech cities such as Dubna. It is clear that young researchers are more than willing to establish working contacts with JINR and participate in more conferences, schools, and internships. In this regard, the role of the CIS ICNT, as well as the network of JINR Information Centres, can hardly be overestimated.

CIS ICNT internships create environment for the establishment of mutual understanding as young scientists from different countries work together. They get to learn more about the culture and traditions of the CIS countries and establish friendly relations with other young scientists, which has proven to enhance joint work.”

The Organizing Committee of the internship expresses gratitude for the assistance in organizing and conducting the internship to the management of laboratories and departments of JINR, the Dubna State University, and the Dubna SEZ.