Bubble chambers – history, value, prospects


VBLHEP Specialized Seminar

A. M. Baldin Relativistic nuclear physics and polarization phenomena #815

Date and Time: Wednesday, 7 February 2024, at 11:00 AM

Venue: bld. 3, Conference hall, Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics; online on Volna

Seminar topic: “Bubble chambers – history, value, prospects”

Speaker: Anton Baldin


The seminar is devoted to the 70th anniversary of JINR VBLHEP. The history of creation and experiments with the bubble chambers manufactured at the laboratory is presented. A brief survey of the scientific results obtained using the bubble chambers and the acquired experimental material is given. The significance of the obtained data for development of the scientific program in the field of relativistic nuclear physics at intermediate energies and planning of experiments, in particular, at the NICA accelerator complex, is discussed. The current status of film storage, processing, and analysis of film information from the bubble chambers is presented.