Study of extreme states of nuclear matter at LHE-VBLHEP


VBLHEP Specialized Seminar

A. M. Baldin Relativistic nuclear physics and polarization phenomena #814

Date and Time: Wednesday, 24 January 2024, at 11:00 AM

Venue: bld. 3, Conference hall, Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics; online on Volna

Seminar topic: “Study of extreme states of nuclear matter at LHE-VBLHEP (in the wake of the 70th anniversary of LHE-VBLHEP)”

Speaker: Stepan Shimansky


The report presents the history of research carried out at LHE-VBLHEP related to the study of the nuclear matter extreme states of and which laid the foundation for the formation of the new direction in high-energy physics – relativistic nuclear physics.