Lecture of a series of DLNP seminars “Lifehacks of some use for a scientist”


The Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR invites everyone interested to the next lecture of a series of seminars “Lifehacks of some use for a scientist”.

Date and Time: Friday, 17 November 2023, at 11:00 AM

Venue: DLNP Conference Hall, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Corporate ethics of scientific organization: trend, illusion, reality”

Speaker: Irek Suleymanov


  • What are the specifics of corporate ethics in a scientific organization?
  • What are the principles and values of a “scientific corporation”?
  • Corporate norms and rules of conduct: what are they and how are they formulated?
  • Which norms of business communication are universal, and which are in principle inapplicable to a scientific organization?
  • What corporate ethics relates to trends and illusions, and what should become the reality of business communication?

The head of the Coordination Group for JINR Communications Strategy, Irek Suleymanov, will talk about these and other aspects of corporate ethics at his seminars, which will be held as part of the project of the DLNP Scientific Communications Group “Lifehacks of some use for a scientist”.

Record of the seminar “Corporate ethics of scientific organization: trend, illusion, reality” by Irek Suleymanov, 17.11.23