Study of the properties of neutron-excess nuclei in direct reactions / Simulation of losses from recharge on the residual gas of accelerated and transported ions in cyclotron complexes for optimization of the vacuum system parameters
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Date and Time: Thursday, 5 October 2023, at 11:00 AM
Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Seminar topic: “Study of the properties of neutron-excess nuclei in direct reactions”
Speaker: Ivan Muzalevskiy
The report is based on the Candidate thesis defended at the University of Opava in August 2023. The results of studies of 7H and 6H systems obtained in proton 2H(8He,3He)7H and deuteron 2H(8He,4He)6H transfer reactions are presented. Two experiments were performed at ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator using 8He beam. In addition to the experimental results the theoretical model based on DWBA approximation and describing the cross section of 2H(8He,3He)7H binary direct reaction is presented in this report. In addition, the report also contains a description of the planned works up to 2025.
(In connection with the election for the position of researcher) -
Seminar topic: “Simulation of losses from recharge on the residual gas of accelerated and transported ions in cyclotron complexes for optimization of the vacuum system parameters”
Speaker: Alexander Tikhomirov
Design, development and results of a method for determining losses from recharge on the residual gas of accelerated and transported ions in cyclotron complexes for optimization of the vacuum system parameters to achieve maximum efficiency of ion acceleration and transfer and also for development of new vacuum systems for accelerator complexes are shown.
(In connection with the election for the position of senior researcher)