New capabilities of ACCULINNA-2@U-400M complex: proton-rich nuclei


Лаборатория ядерных реакций

Дата и время: четверг, 6 июля 2023 г., в 15:30

Место: конференц-зал ЛЯР, Лаборатория ядерных реакций
им. Г. Н. Флерова

Тема семинара: «New capabilities of ACCULINNA-2@U-400M complex: proton-rich nuclei»

Докладчик: Вратислав Худоба


We will discuss the first experiments involving proton-rich radioactive beams to be conducted at the ACCULINNA-2 facility, following the refurbishment of the U-400M accelerator. We will revisit the key findings from the experimental study on the 6Li(p,n)6Be reaction, conducted in inversion kinematics at ACCULINNA-1 years ago. Further, we propose an enhanced approach to investigate 6Be at ACCULINNA-2, utilizing the 7Be(p,d)6Be reaction with the radioactive beam produced by a primary beam of 12C, accelerated by U-400M after its upgrade. Additionally, we will outline how the admixtures present in the secondary beam can be effectively employed to populate 7B and 8C using the (p,d) reaction.